How to Sell a House Quickly When You Have Pets
So what can pet owners do?
To ensure your home will sell, you will need to eliminate pet odors and any signs of damage. The best way to achieve this is by having a close friend inspect the home, inside and out, to help identify pet damage and where the odors reside. Once you determine the extent of the pet damage and the location of the odors, you can work on getting rid of them. In some cases, a quick fix will do, but many times, repairs and odor elimination can be significant and expensive.
Here are some tips and fixes:
Wash all Fabrics
Wash everything that is washable. These include blankets, pet bedding, area rugs, pet toys, and window coverings.
Scrub the Floors
Scrub all floors with an appropriate cleaner. Whenever possible, use products that are specifically designed to eliminate pet odors. You will be amazed at how good they are at eliminating the odor.
Clean the Carpets
Time to bring in the professionals. You want an experienced carpet cleaning company that will evaluate the condition of your carpet and tell you honestly if your carpet can be saved or needs to be replaced.
Change the Filters
Replace your old HVAC filters with a new odor-eliminating HEPA filter. Clean any fur or hair that may get attached to the vents.
Fight the Fur
If your pet is a fluffy or furry one, you will need to fight the fur battle. Pet fur on the floors and furniture will not only impact the look of cleanliness but with many people, it can trigger an allergic reaction. Vacuuming and sweeping up the pet fur must be done daily and, if possible, right before a potential buyer tours the home.
Use an Ozone Machine
An ozone machine carefully placed in a home for a few days can do wonders when it comes to removing odors. These machines remove odors by destroying the spores and bacteria that cause tough to remove odors.
Get the Bugs Out
If your pets have fleas, the house will have fleas. Fleas are very small and get into and under everything. Exterminating a flea infestation can take several treatments and is best left to the professionals.
Hide the Box
If your furry family member happens to be a cat, you will need to make sure the litter box is as clean as possible, cleaned daily, and located in a discreet location.
Clean the Yard
A backyard full of dog poop will not help sell the house. Spend a few minutes in your backyard cleaning up the droppings or hire a pooper scooper service to do it for you. Once cleaned, you will need to keep it that way while the home is on the market. You should also fix areas in the yard that have been torn up by the dogs playing or digging.
Fix What is Chewed and Scratched
Many of our beloved pets will chew or scratch walls, doors, cabinets, and furniture. Many buyers who see items chewed and scratched will assume that there is additional pet damage that is not obvious, even if the damage is only visible on the furniture. The damaged items should be fixed, replaced, or in the case of furniture, removed from the home.
What Can’t Be Cleaned
Pet odors are quite persistent so there may be parts of your home that no matter how much scrubbing you do, you will not be able to eliminate the odor. This may include wood flooring where the pet odor has seeped between the boards to the subfloor below or other areas that may have been exposed to pet urine for an extended period. In these cases, the only remedy will be to remove and replace these items.
Board the Pets
When selling a home, one of the best ways to eliminate a potential problem with your pets is to have them stay with family, friends or temporarily board them in a pet hotel. There are many good pet hotels or farms that provide space for the pets to play and roam around. You will have to pay for the boarding service but you should easily recoup the cost by selling the home faster and for more money.

Do I really need to do all of that?
If this seems expensive and a lot of work — you are right, it is. But if you want to sell the house quickly, at a price that makes sense, then yes, you really need to do all that. “It stinks in here” isn’t the first words you want to hear from a potential buyer as most will leave without touring the home.
Is there a better way?
An alternative that not only eliminates all of the stress, expense, and problems is to sell home as-is to a home cash buyer, like OutFactors. A home cash buyer will assume all of the risks of cleaning the house and restoring the damage to the home.
Whether you have one furry family member or twenty, you can be assured that the professional cash for house buyers at OutFactors will treat you and your pets with respect, understanding, and compassion.
Here are the advantages of the “Sell Home As-Is” program of OutFactors:
- Get paid the highest cash price for your house.
- You get a fresh start without adding stress to your already busy life.
- Sell home as-is and avoid the financial hardship of paying for the repairs.
- Less stress on the two and four-legged family members.
We Buy the Home – Without the Hassle
For many Texas homeowners, selling your home as-is makes the most sense. They get a great price and close on their schedule with the least amount of disruption in their normal daily life.
At OutFactors, we make it easy to sell home as-is, the effortless and stress-free way!
You can get an all cash offer from OutFactors in about 2 minutes. Offers are absolutely free with no obligation or surprises and personal information is NOT required. Yes, that is correct. No email address, no telephone number – not even your name. So get a great offer in 2 minutes by clicking here!
We hope this article was informative, and if you have any questions, feel free to contact us at any time or visit for additional information.
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